Class description: Hip Hop is a fun dance class for children. The class begins with a simple warm up. The children then learn new dance steps each week, which builds up to a fun dance routine to current chart music. The children are also encouraged to show off their own dance moves, which can be incorporated into the dance routine.

Who is it for? Anyone aged 7-11, all levels welcome.

What should I wear? Comfortable clothing, leggings, tracksuit bottoms (not shorts) and T-shirt etc.

What should I bring? Bottle of water

Teacher: Harriet Carr

PLEASE NOTE: Dance City requests that the child's name, age, and emergency contact details are included when booking. You can book tickets under a child's Dance City account.

Please let the ticket office know if your child has any additional needs, if you feel comfortable in doing so. If your child has an injury or an existing medical condition we would recommend that you seek professional advice before they attend a class.

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